Tag Archives: heavenly father

Waiting to Be Noticed

I was at an event once, where I knew less than a handful of people. That day, I did a lot of waiting and standing around, admiring decorations, looking for someone who would notice me. Not like you think. I’m perfectly fine with being alone, but I didn’t know how to handle being invisible. I’ve …

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My Name

I am on vacation this week. I hope this previously posted entry is a blessing to you. Do you know what your name means? When I was a kid and found out that the name Phillip means “one who loves horses,” I got so excited. I thought for sure my name, Phyllis, had to be …

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The Refiner

Over the next week, I’ll be taking a break from posting new blog entries, so that I can dedicate most of my time to some fiction writing. I want to make  progress on the third book in my fiction series before the Thanksgiving and Christmas blur hits us all. I’ll be back here with new …

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While You Wait

In the late afternoon, my sister’s dog goes out for a run around the yard and field. If my sister is at work, my mom lets the dog out to run. On those days, the dog will sit near the place my sister parks her car, and look toward the road. Recently, I happened to …

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Journal of Your Heart

“We pass from thinking of God as part of our life, to the realization that we are part of His life.” Richard J. Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home I use this quote a lot when I’m talking to people about the perspective changes the Lord has given me, but when I tell it, …

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The Heart of a Shepherd

I guess I never thought about how many shepherds there are in the Bible, until recently when I heard someone mention it. There have been shepherds since right after the Garden of Eden. Adam’s son Abel was a shepherd. (Genesis 4:2) So were Jacob and his sons, including Joseph who became second in command in …

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Hold on, I’ll Ask Him

It’s a shame that the “What Would Jesus Do” thing got overdone. It was a good thought to figure out the “right thing to do.” Now it has become a cliché, I think. While it was good, I think we could do one better. Asking what someone would do in a situation, as in, “What …

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Sharing a Devotion

I must share this beautiful devotion written by Os Hillman, and you will know why I subscribe to his posts: Seeing Backward, TGIF (Today God Is First) Volume 2, by Os Hillman, 10-19-2013 “‘O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.’ (Ps …

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The Shockwave of Faith

“Do you give the horse his might? 
Do you clothe his neck with a mane? Do you make him leap like the locust? 
His majestic snorting is terrible. He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength; 
he goes out to meet the weapons. He laughs at fear and is not dismayed;
 and he …

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Re-post: Tenderhearted

This morning, I needed this one. I hope this previously posted entry blesses you too. It hurts to have a tender heart. I know. But I can tell you it hurts far worse to have a hard heart. I’ve tried several times over the years to harden my heart so that I won’t get hurt. …

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