Re-post: Living Fire

I am on vacation this week. May this previously posted (and updated) entry be a blessing to you.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

(June 20, 2012) Last week I thought a lot about something that happened when my daughter Julie was in the hospital. The Lord kept bringing to mind the vision He gave me while I was praying for Julie – when I saw Him put His hands on our heads.

Maybe He did this because her birthday is coming up and He knows how much I need to be completely in His hand, feeling His strength. But I think also, He wanted to show me something new.

While I thought about His hands, I kept thinking about how beautiful they were. Trying to describe something like this is so difficult, because words haven’t been invented to describe that kind of beauty.

The best I can say is that they were glowing, golden light – they were living fire. But they didn’t burn; they warmed. I can still see them so clearly in my mind. I’m so grateful for that.

As I thought about the Lord’s, hands of light and living fire, I also thought about the burning bush He showed to Moses on the mountain. You can read about it in Exodus chapter 3, but here’s the thing: the fire didn’t burn the bush; it didn’t consume the bush.

His hands of living fire didn’t burn me. Then I got it! I said, “It was you! You weren’t in the fire – you are the fire.” What Moses saw wasn’t a natural fire that supernaturally didn’t burn the bush. This was spirit. This was the Spirit of God.

I think the reason I got so excited is because I have seen that fire and I know how beautiful it is. That fire is life and light and love and strength – when I see it again in my mind, all those things wash over me.

I wept for joy that day, and then I begged the Lord to let others see such things. If they could only see a glimpse, Lord, perhaps they would not be afraid, and they would love you. Perhaps they could trust you with their hearts. Perhaps…

It was an honor to see a glimpse of what Moses saw. The Lord gave me a great kindness the day He let me see His hands.

That memory has brought me through some really hard days, because I know how much He has blessed me. I know I am loved, and I know that He will always be that close no matter what happens.

Always near – the One who spoke to Moses. The Great I AM.

Phyllis Keels


  1. Deborah Raper

    Oh my goodness Phyllis, what a testimony!

    • Thanks Deb! That’s just one of the dozens of things He has let me see. I think He lets me see them because they give me such joy!

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